A Mizzou Winter
I have yet to post anything decent on this blog page… and that’ll most likely continue. But whatever.
I took a picture of The Quad on campus yesterday thinking it would be cool to use in a strip. Woke up today to a few inches of snow… so naturally, I had to take another picture.
So… yeah. I like snow.
Discussion (9) ¬
are those columns holding up air?
I would of thought that as the Mizzou Tour Team leader, you would have known what was up with that…
i was playing dumb for your readers
Well… I honestly dont know. Your one of the few that knows Mizzous mysteries.
the original building (Academic Hall) burnt down in 1892. just the columns remained. I still remember that horrifying day
You like snow?
You were here last year right?
Just wait…
You didn’t like having 3 days off?
I actually work at a the hospital. They made us stay at the hospital because they wanted to make sure there was enough staff to work all the shifts since people couldn’t make it in.