All Nighter
All nighters are rough. A few semester ago I had two exams on the same day – back to back. I was able to stay awake and study all night by looping “The Office” – Season 5, Episode 13 – Secret Santa from Hulu. I must of played it 15 times… but the sound in the background kept me going. And I did great on my exams. True story. Thanks Steve Carell.
Any good (or bad) all nighter stories?
For projects…the worst ones were papers…thinking, ACTUALLY THINKING (vs memorizing, copying, coloring, reading, etc) was death. I once had to write a 15 page paper for my 9th grade biology class. (then had to make a poster) I bout died. Got an A though.
Damn, a 15 page paper in 9th grade?? I never had a 15 page paper in college!
Yeah…it was an intense class. Luckily he was just looking for length and just getting the ideas in/
I have a 6000 word paper due Friday. The only time I have to work on it? Thursday. I find this comic exceptionally appropriate. Haha
Procrastinate on, Lauren.
I have to say, the worst all nighter I had to pull was a painting. That was brutal because once you reach that point of exhaustion, its reflects on the painting. Then that time of full energy where you thinking its going well, but realistically you’ve just been painting over the same spot. Then the point of saying whatever, ill just call it abstract and just leave unfinished for sleep instead.
What kind of paint? Because I stayed til late night in a paint studio, but it got better as I went on for the lack of people and it was oil.
Same here. When I took Drawing 1, I’d draw all my projects the night before – and even though it was mentally and physically exhausting – it was some of my best work (I think).
Funny this comic came out on a night i didn’t sleep x).
I once stayed up all night just to fall asleep in my math class, at 8 am, front row right in front of the teacher… NEVER ever fell asleep again in college. Ahah
My all-nighters always fail… I’ve never pulled a true all-nighter. I usually give up at around 4 or 5 and try to catch an hour or two of sleep. Which is what’s happened twice this week.
Again. Never try to write your own contracts…
I do the same… I give up easily.
3rd attempt at an all-nighter this week… I think I’m going to start calling these things my 4-5 am nights….
that’s eerie. The thoughts in my head before viewing the new comic “Oh god, I’m not getting any of this, my exam is tomorrow, I might actually fail this!” at which point I decide to look at things not quite so abysmally boring and confusing >.<
Whenever your stressed out, just head over here and read a few comics. Guaranteed to mentally stimulate your learning cell.s
As a college student at UTC, I am currently embarking on such a task.
The only real all-nighter I ever pulled was for religious purposes, but I did come close to pulling one once. I had a final 10 page paper due for AP English back in high school and I stayed up late to finish it. My mistake? I drank a bunch of coffee, an energy drink, and ate a ton of chocolate at around 10 pm. When did it kick in? 3:30 am in the morning when I had already finished my homework. I couldn’t fall asleep until 5:30 am, and then I had to wake up at 6 am to get ready for school.
Really though, I never attempt to pull all-nighters anymore. I usually fall asleep at 10 or 11 pm and force myself to wake up at 4 am to study, since I know it’s pointless for me.
I’m an IR major at AU. My sophomore year I had 2- 20 page papers a 15 page paper and a 10 page paper all due on the same day. I pulled 4 consecutive all nighters. I still have vietnam flashblacks about that semester.
Note to self: do not major in International Relations.
i find this funny because the last time i slept was Saturday night. i hate all nighters, especially multiple ones back to back
The weekend is near. Just stay up for 72 more hours.
sadly i pull all nighters on a regular basis, usually about twice a week, as long as i have coffee, food and dubstep playing in the background i can usually make it through the night without falling asleep on my homework.
I’m about to write a paper (@ 3 46 pm) for a class at 7. 6 pages, topic of my choice. Gonna be interesting, since I won’t have any research for said research paper.
Tip: Open up the “Find” dialog box in Word, find all the periods, and make their font larger – it’ll make your paper longer without making the size of the text larger. Win.
worst paper I ever had to do was my sophmore year of college. It was pretty much write everything down that was on all the websites for a certain project. No page limit…. I pulled off a C+ with 92 pages
What were the educational benefits to this “paper”?
today is my birthday, my present to myself, taking the few minutes away from my current all nighter to read this comic. It was a good gift
fits too perfectly.
and it didn’t cost me a single thing. Perfect.
I’m in the middle of an all nighter, how oddly appropriate that this should be the topic. This semester is going to end in 3 weeks? Nah. I’m pretty sure it’s never going to end.
All nighters that I pull are usually for my accounting/finance and math classes. Although there was this one time I had a test for accounting, math and history all on the same time and back to back to back, and I had no time to review in the morning. Never really slept from 9pm the previous day to 11pm the following day.
Slept like a baby afterwards
Haha I did that last night to study for an exam. Guess who wound up missing said exam? -.- Other than taking naps/crashing for a few hours here and here, I haven’t slept all week. I am never taking 17 credits again. Although honestly, what did me in probably was the research paper I had to write on rape…
I took 18 once… I surprisingly did pretty pretty well. I had to since my first couple semesters I never took more then 13.
Currently 5:16 in my all-nighter for my calc test…I’ve pulled so many all-nighters, my body is used to it now. Never take above 16 hours. And NEVER major in Math (unless u wanna teach it)
Math major IN DA HOUSE.
Worst week of my life: 3 all-nighters back-to-back-to-back. I went without a wink of sleep for almost 80 hours. I was trying to read my textbook for a class on the third day when all I could see were purple dots blinking all over the page. I knew at this point I had no choice but to sleep…even if it was 3 PM.
Another terrible story I have is an all-nighter pulled one night by me and my lab partner. We had an electronics lab due the next day, so we had to finish it. Our teacher never gave us labs that were possible to finish within the 3 hour lab time set every week, so having labs that took 5 hours every week was not uncommon. My partner and I spent the entire night working on it. We finally finished and had our prof look at the results. He told us something was wrong, and when he checked our circuit…one of the components was broken. Almost 15 hours of work…for nothing.
i HATE HATE HATE labs. I always seem to be lost while everybody else seems to know exactly what they’re doing.
Sabotage always kept the labs entertaining for me
Yikes! My vision starts going blue after about between 36 and 48 hours without sleep. I can’t imagine what would happen if I tried to go for that long!
Never wait until the night before to write your 25 page psych paper
Sounds like a self-served death sentence….
Sound advice.
Hey, I found your comics on accident and pretty much every comic is spot on. It’s described my experience living at a new Uni thus far, way to be a bad ass man.
Thank you, I am a bad ass.
For me, I attempt 10 min breaks when I’m doing an all-nighter and wake up the next morning after accidentally randomly passing out with that same “aww crap” feeling.
Last semester, I had 2 art classes that I pulled 2 all-nighters in a row for. Then my roommates kicked me out so I had to stay awake for another night speed-packing. Altogether, I think I was up for about 40 hours straight. @_@
Why’d you get kicked out?
I’m an art major, and 2 of my roommates were REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY OCD. >.>
Hm… looks like my post got deleted from earlier, that’s weird.
Anyways, as a CS major I’ve had to pull an all nighter from time to time to finish up coding a project, it’s not much fun, and you are dead the morning after. I’m just glad to get them done and passed off, at which point I usually head back home to pass out.
My usual all-nighter mix consists of Amp followed by a litre of Dr. Pepper.
Dr Pepper is the best of all the sodas.
I have a ten page paper due tomorrow that I haven’t started.
Is it double spaced? If it is, then youre already half way done!
Haha yea it was double spaced, that’s a good way to think about it. Guess I can procrastinate more.
This semester alone I have pulled 10 all nighters due to my poor planning skills aided by unfortunately timed seizures. Luckily I am done on Monday.
Damn those poor planning skills.
Hehe, pulled one of these a few days ago, stayed up until 5:30 in the morning doing an exceptionally long circuits assignment (ended up being 18 pages of tricky Fourier series/transfer function problems, involving tons of integration by parts and trig. subs)
Started at 6pm, felt like crap by 11 pm, but then felt surprisingly awesome by 3 am
Ended up doing really well on the test, so I guess it was worth it.
Integration by parts isn’t too bad, but I hate trig sub with a fiery passion.
I just read through all of your comics and wish there was more. I’m supposed to be planning out a 10 minute speech, writing and paper, and studying for my big math test tomorrow evening, but nahh, I’ll just read webcomics instead. Oh, and your comics are great and really hit close to home for me. haha
Another students grades successfully lowered by my comics… mission accomplished.