Double Spaced
Think about it – a double spaced paper is half way done before you even start it. My logic is undeniable.
Share your finals and term paper tips below.
Think about it – a double spaced paper is half way done before you even start it. My logic is undeniable.
Share your finals and term paper tips below.
This is AWESOME! and so what I did when I was in School!
Moose is a great name.
Truth, your logic is infallible. [=
I am incapable of making mistakes! I can not be wrong! Bwa-ha-ha-haaaaa (throw head back, evil laugh).
I always wait to format the paper into double space until after I write it. It is so satisfying going from not even close to being done a paper to having it done with one click
HAHA! I do that too – instant satisfaction.
I’ve never actually tried working on a paper before midnight. It has to be 3 AM, the night before the due date, for me to actually start and put an effort into it. This shows that I’ve actually worked half way through those papers. I feel productive.
I hate people that write their paper before the night thats its due. Show offs.
I worked hard to to reach this level of procrastination. The typos and sleep deprivation are a price I’m willing to pay.
Double spaced papers: 1/4 is the material you need to include, 1/4 is the fluff to fill up the rest of the space and the other 1/2 is the space between each line… Or that’s how I think about it anyway. And then, since I’m a graphic design major and I’m supposed to have it “graphically designed” i don’t necessarily have to adhere to the 1″ margins…. But my professor picks that up in the 11 pt font size… And I can tell I need sleep by how long this comment is… My apologies.
If this was facebook I would have liked that comment.
Bahaha and if it was fb, I would have liked your comment on my comment.
Likes all around.
agree with new transfer student. maybe sometimes a bit more fluff than info depending on sleep
My name is literally indiana
There’s also the change all the punctuation trick so that it takes up more space (make the punctuation like 14 or something along those lines). Been using that one for a while, it actually works on longer papers. Not enough of a difference on something under three pages
There is also the putting two spaces after a period, and changing the margins trick
I’ve changed the size of periods before. Works like a charm.
We divide the hole paper in two equal parts. If you have already done half paper and you haven’t written anything, the missing part, which has to be as big as the first one, is also anythin, so TECHNICALLY you’ve already finished.
If you prefer maths
x=1/2*x+1/2*x and you said 1/2 x = 0 => x=0 then x=1/2*0+1/2*0=0
Ahha!! its genius!!
hand in 10 blank pages. nice
I totally did this pretty much all last semester.
I never thought about it that way before; that’s brilliant! Too bad I can’t start the paper the night before it is due and still get an A.
Lower your expectations and you’ll be sure to over achieve.
I dare you to write a paper like that and turn it in.
i just did…got an F. should’ve double spaced
The perfect loophole.
Double spacing it would have made all the difference.
I like subtly pushing the margins in if they weren’t specified. However, the BEST trick, and maybe the least known, is to go into formatting options and find the “character spacing” control. It’s the amount of white between each individual letter. You can up that and it’ll make a huge difference without being hugely noticeable.
I only ever did that in high school. In college I had trouble writing under the maximum since I only took courses I enjoyed.
Damn, I’ve never heard about that one before. I took 2 writing intensive classes that I liked – english (which turned out to be more like a pop culture class) and religious studies – I always went over by a few hundred. But they were short papers – 10 pages max.
Wow these are all awesome ideas. College students are so creative when it comes to cheating on papers. I’m using some of these.
I prefer to leave it single spaced and start writing my paper and then when it feels like I’m never going to get anywhere with it, I say that magic spell (or click the double space button) and it’s amazingly at it’s right length. It’s a lot more fun at 4 in the morning with a lot of caffeine and very little sleep
want to know something sad? I went through 2 years of high school thinking double spaced was hitting the space bar twice….none of my teachers bothered to correct me.
Haunter, this is in my Top 5 of saddest things I’ve ever read on the internet.
Wow, Haunter, that is very sad indeed.
Tragic experience indeed.
omg these comics make my entire day! they’re like decorating my dorm walls! thanks for getting me through my freshman year<3
okay thanks soooo much for the info ive got a seven page paper due tomorrow on a book i spark noted lol im too lazy but thnx this is going to help a whole lot
That sure is a handy point to know.
If I double space my comic frames I s’pose I won’t have to draw as much