Multiple Choice
When taking multiple choice tests, my answers are influenced just as much by the questions as they are by the patterns and shapes on the answer sheet.
When taking multiple choice tests, my answers are influenced just as much by the questions as they are by the patterns and shapes on the answer sheet.
Lol. Love his face. I go through the same emotions. Sometimes I think they do this on purpose to see if we really know the answers
I actually had a teacher in High School make every answer on her test be “C.” 80% of the class did poorly just because no one believed such a pattern would exist on a test.
Thats dirty.
Only ever taken one test like that and it scared the hell out of me, ended up failing because I thought all my answers much be wrong so bullshitted it
Same thing happened to me. I thought multiple choice was supposed to be random.
I love such tests. I even make sure that I don’t color outside the circles (excruciating, I must tell you). Just sometimes I end up making designs too.
I always took pride in my ability to stay within the circle.
i haven’t taken MCQs in a long long while.
Precisely the reason why I hate multiple choice tests…sometimes…
I remember my algebra 1 teacher made every answer on the final “1” except a few problems. Horrible, horrible experience.
I actually love multiple choice tests. Last year, after doing the math, I discovered that I had to make a 100 on the final for a class to make an A in the class. The test was multiple choice and true or false and all the questions came from previous chapter tests. I literally memorized every question and right answer. Got that A though!
My Physics 1 professor did the exact same thing for our final. 20 MC questions, all from older tests. I did very well.
I love it, but hate it at the same time. Seems too easy, but just the break needed during finals.
I had a teacher one time, on a 50 question scantron test, make exactly 47 of the answers B. The other 3 were the hardest questions on the test…they were D. It was the dirtiest trick a teacher has ever played on anyone.
seriously that’s my life. all day every day. and my professors do it on purpose. what trolls.
I have every intention of creating one test a year exactly like this when I become a teacher. Just to fuck with my students.
i had a human behaviors prof who would make part of the multi choice all the same letter just to mess with you and he filmed exams to show as examples at other times
i hate multiple choice, i know the equasion mostly but if there is a test and 2 choise seem almost alike it is disturing (physics)
in math we don’t have multiple choice tests anymore, because about 2 years ago they had a test and noticed afterwards that you would pass with 3,6 if you didn’t chose anything or with 3,9 if you chose everything
and he filmed exams to show as examples at other times<<< if a prof does that you can legally fight against the results (atlast where i live)
Dude, I love your comic so don’t get me wrong….but I wish you would change the text under the title that says “updated tuesdays”. Just for the fact that I am completely disappointed almost every Tuesday when there isn’t a new comic!! Lol..not really complaining or raggin on ya… I’ll take what I can get when I can get it when it comes to my fave comics. Just maybe a lil’ misleading for new fans. Ok shutting up now!
What do you suggest? “Updated Tuesdays (Usually)”? How about “Updated Tuesdays (sometimes)”?
updated weekly
Lol ok either one of those works….or updated weekly like anonymous suggested. As I said…I’ll take what I can get…so no worries really. Just random thoughts from a fan.
To be more accurate, try updated monthly.
What about bi-weekly. I could update twice a week OR twice a month and I’d still be covered!
How about “updated every once in a while”? Weekly seems to be the same as saying “Tuesdays” and that doesn’t happen…
I like the vagueness that comes with “Every Once In A While.”
How about, “When I feel like it”?
I couldn’t have said it better.