Thanks Isaac. I think hand drawn looks better too, but its defiantly a lot more work.
I dont recommend it either, though sometimes sleeping through class is worth it. Are you planning on turning your comments back on?
eventually, I originally turned them off ’cause I was getting hit by some form of spambot, but I think I’ll turn them back on for a while and see what happens.
Hahaha, so funny! My life…
Thanks Aimee! Glad you like it.
Nice redo, I like the artwork hand-drawn.
I have also done this from time to time, though I do not recommend it…
Thanks Isaac. I think hand drawn looks better too, but its defiantly a lot more work.
I dont recommend it either, though sometimes sleeping through class is worth it. Are you planning on turning your comments back on?
eventually, I originally turned them off ’cause I was getting hit by some form of spambot, but I think I’ll turn them back on for a while and see what happens.
haha, Belal a lot of your comics revolve around sleep
The lives of kids who aren’t struggling to pay for their own classes…
or taking bs classes to finish a bs
I did this today 😉
Sorry but no more comics, too busy with college
Sorry but no more comics