Summer Courses
Summer courses are no fun – the course material is heavily condensed , classes are 3 to 4 hours long, and its a struggle to keep up with the daily assignment, quizzes and exams.
But I took em anyway.
Anyone taking any this summer?
Summer courses are no fun – the course material is heavily condensed , classes are 3 to 4 hours long, and its a struggle to keep up with the daily assignment, quizzes and exams.
But I took em anyway.
Anyone taking any this summer?
Oh. You’re in my math class too?
I took Calc 2 a couple summers ago. It was my first summer class so I goofed around the whole time. Ending up dropping it. You cant fall behind during summer classes – no way to catch up.
Ya, I’m taking a math course this summer that starts next week. It’s going to be all summer long. Oh, fun.
What are you taking?
Mathematics for Educators. It’s the worst math in the world.
I believe that.
I’m up studying for a test in one tomorrow.
Your summer classes already started? Dang.
At my high school…we weren’t allowed to take summer courses….and I’m on scholarship that only covers spring/fall…and it is ridiculously expensive otherwise….so nope…just *looking for a job* and seriously looking for a new apt. o.O
Summer jobs are great. Make money, and you dont gotta worry about it getting boring cause you’re quitting when school starts back up.
I’m taking two math courses and a politics course. The math courses are standard 10 week length (RIT uses quarters), but the politics course is double classes (twice as many meetings a week) for half the weeks.
Should be fun.
Two math classes?
Engineering! They only have calc III as a pre-req so I’m getting them both out of the way.
I had a tough time with Calc 3. I though Def Eq was much easier.
I go to RIT as well (HIGH FIVE BRO!). Because we’re currently on quarters, Calc 3 is third QUARTER calculus, not third SEMESTER. So he probably means infinite series and polar/parametric/conics rather than Multivariable Calc. But if he thought ahead and said Calc III because he meant Multivar, then my bad.
But yeah, I heard Diff Eqs is easier than Multivar. I took Multivar and don’t remember much of it :-P.
Also, why did you take Calc 2 for Social/Life Sci anyways? Did you not know you wanted to be a Civil E major at that point? (Then why’d you take University Physics in the spring of that year?) Just wondering, not judging (I haven’t taken University Physics, so I can’t judge :-P).
Oh, and I like your comics too (some of them do apply to me, although I wish they didn’t :-P).
I’m taking three music courses and a nutrition course. Seven week courses so it’s only double time as compared to our normal 14/15 week semester. It’s intense but doable.
your name kinda arabian …. are you arabian ???
your name sounds arabian too. are you arabian?
Your name sounds robotic. Are you a robot?
I’m taking two, actually. Introduction to Macroeconomics the first half and Spanish the second half. Looking forward to Spanish, but I HATE econ.
I cant remember if I took Macro or Micro, but when we took our first test I got a 95. The class average was 50. I thought I was so smart. I kept doing worse and worse throughout the year and the class average kept getting better and better. By the time the semester was over, my grade and the class average synced up.
i took autocad after my freshman year during the summer. got my first and only A+! too bad the university of missouri didnt care about A+’s
Are you an engineer?
Lucky for me summer courses are 3x more expensive per credit hour than regular courses…. And seeing as how I am taking a 12 credit hour field work class…. holy flying meatballs… just look at that price! $5500 for one class.
Astronautical Engineering crammed into 3 weeks! Oh, it’s gonna suck, but I will thank myself for it when it’s all over and I get a decent grade.
Yup. Thats gonna suck.
I took a one week summer class this summer….talk about intense. I had class for 9 and a half hours every day, 2-3 quizzes every day, 2 papers due every day, a 13 page final exam due 3 days after class, another paper due 2 days after that, and I’m still working on the last paper.
May the force be with you, Jedi.
And also with you.
I’m so glad I finished all my summer credits. :’D My first summer I made the mistake of taking an art class. The professor assigned 16 new projects the very last week. @_@
I invested more time in Drawing I then I ever did for any of my core engineering classes.
I took three this summer, one was a four credit course condensed into two weeks. Up at 4 for class from 5 am to noon, then another three hours that afternoon… So glad I already knew a lot about ornithology.
I struggle watching TV for a few hours straight. No idea how you sit in a classroom for 7 hours.
I took a screenwriting course over a summer (along with enough other classes to double the suggested summer amount). The teacher sat down and looked at the syllabus and literally started laughing for a good couple minutes. “Oh wow, I thought they were going to adjust this class for the summer. Looks like you guys have about a month to write and edit a full feature length screenplay. Wow, you guys are so screwed.”
What was your screenplay about?
It was about Chief US Supreme Court Justice (1801-1835) John Marshall, who during his time essentially shaped much of the laws of the country. Except, I took him as a teenager and reimagined him, his wife, an opposing justice, and also Theodore Roosevelt in a magical world of ice temples and fire breathing bears and Voltron-esque Justice robots. It was pretty fun.
Your comics are funny! and i subscribed it
Thanks Myo!
My face exactly at the last strip once my summer course starts.
Yep taking a microbiology course
This is exactly what I’m going through right now 🙁
Great comics! I love the art.
damn I actually wanted to take summer courses but I couldn’t because I was too late….
Only 3 to 4 hours long?
That’s still short for us, Asians.